Thursday, May 21, 2009

She was actually talking to God...

So I was at our Vacation Bible School meeting last night at know, that "give everyone their stuff, explain the overall theme and get some excitement going" meeting. It was a good meeting. We got our stuff...we went over the theme...and I think there was some excitement in the room. The highlight of the night for me, though, was something out of the ordinary. Actually, it wasn't out of the ordinary at all, but it hit me an epiphany or something. (I don't know if it was really an epiphany or not, but I think maybe it was the closest thing I've ever had to one.) It was the prayer...a simple opening prayer. Becky, our VBS coordinator (who is doing an awesome job, by the way), opened our meeting in prayer. In fact, she made the statement that we "are going to open this meeting the right way." Now, I've been to tons of meetings, and as a pastor, many of those meetings have started with prayer (usually my prayer). I don't always know if the motive is exactly right where it should be. I mean a prayer makes a nice opener for a lot of things. It's effective, because it quiets the crowd, focus attention to the front and works as a very fine transition point.

Here's the point though...forget all of that stuff. What hit me last night was that Becky was actually talking to God...and it was indeed the perfect, best way to start the meeting. I sat there as she prayed and the thoughts built in my head like a song rushing toward crescendo. "She is talking to God. Becky is actually talking to God. I mean right now, she is sitting in a metal chair in front of VBS volunteers and she is talking to the Creator God of the Universe." It was like I couldn't believe it. I know it to be the case. I've preached it as such in church services and taught it many classes. I've done it countless times myself. But last night, it just seemed so real in that perfect and an incredible gift from an amazing God. She was actually talking to God.

When I got home last night, I settled into the nightly routine of kids to bed, clean up any left-over mess from the kids, check facebook, watch Sportscenter and...then I knew what I wanted to do more than anything. I wanted to talk to God...just like Becky did back at church. Just close my eyes and talk. It was of the best prayer times I've ever had.

Becky, your prayer meant a lot to me last night...but here's the thing: I never caught a word of your prayer. I guess you weren't talking to me though, were were actually talking to God.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I think you WANT me to be intolerant...

Our sign at the church currently reads, "Seek God and Turn From Your Wicked Ways." I've had several conversations and emails in regard to the offensive nature of said sign and how it is judgemental, intolerant and hypocritical. You would think that I had planted that sign firmly in the front yard of several people. The thing is, I bet tons of people have recently driven past our sign and made passing comments about it...while only a few felt the need to say something about it. What effect has it made on those few?

1. lack of toleration; unwillingness or refusal to tolerate or respect contrary opinions or beliefs, persons of different races or backgrounds, etc.
2. incapacity or indisposition to bear or endure: intolerance to heat.
3. abnormal sensitivity or allergy to a food, drug, etc.
4. an intolerant act.

It's believed medically that I am allergic or intolerant to gluten that is found in wheat and wheat products. It hurts my body and effects me negatively to consumme wheat products. However, aethism, agnosticism and skepticism does not hurt me. Just because I'm a pastor does not mean I am allergic to Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses, and Muslims. I do not have my own version of a "spidey sense" where alarms go off whenever I'm in the company of sinners. In fact, let me make two points:

1. While I am not intolerant of people, I am intolerant of beliefs that are contrary to the Word of God as contained in the Bible. I'm not speaking about my opinion but about the truth of the Bible. I am a pastor who has devoted himself to the pages of Scripture, yet it amazes me when people are shocked that I stand for truth, justice, righteousness and the cause of Christ. If you want to talk intolerance, you have to point out that Jesus was the most intolerant of them all. He had the audacity to claim "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father except by me." (John 14:6) Again in Mattew 7, Jesus described a narrow road and wide road. He indicated that the narrow road was the correct path which leads to life and that only a few will make such a decision. I must remain committed to the narrow road and the intolerant message of Jesus as the only way.
2. You should want me to be intolerant. What kind of pastor would be if I taught people to believe whatever they want and that as long as you believe something you're ok? Are we really foolish enough to believe that all belief is good belief. We're ok with 2+2=4. There is only one right answer. Yet when it comes to eternal matters, we are ok with you + "whatever you want to believe" = eternal life. We somehow think there are multiple answers to the most important question of all time. This is one area where I can't afford to be wrong, and the people who are influenced by my ministry don't want me to be wrong either. I think you want me to be intolerant and confident in what I believe. If I hesitate, give credit to other belief systems or don't speak up against false teaching then I weaken the message of the Bible in the eyes of the hearers.

Demon Hunter is a Christian metal band that has had a significant impact on my life. As I was thinking about a title for my blog site, I couldn't help but think through some of the DH songs that have influenced me the most. One such song is "Relentless Intolerance".

These eyes they will gaze and reflect
And gauge every thought I reject
No sway of stance in changing times
Just a narrow mind commanding respect
We stand on the words of the wise
And languish every call to despise
We know the hollow wound of their lies

No reformed edition
Never losing vision
Now into forever
Only getting better
Ways of now, spiral down
How much more we allow

Keeping sight of the vow we made
Holding fast to the hope
So when we stand in the line of wrath
The true and righteous will know

The foundation that we used to uphold
Now regarded as the madness of old
Every alteration made to the standard of truth
Is a nail in the coffin we hold
We embody everything they despise
Because they see us through degenerate eyes
So when thay cast you down as intolerant filth
Stand firm, never bow to the lies

Now, I dont' expect every blog post to be this serious, but this is my first go at this and was simply a refelction of what was on my heart. I'm sure there will be lots to write about in the weeks, months and years ahead including the Steelers, autism, my family, church life, sermon ideas and much more.